Existe na Índia uma prática conhecida como devadasi, que é um templo para prostituição, em que mulheres são dedicadas à deusa Yellamma e obrigadas e se prostituírem. A prática consiste na exploração de mulheres e tem servido de último recurso para os pais desesperados por uma benção dos deuses.
Porém a mensagem do Evangelho está destruindo essa prática no país. Ao terem contato com a mensagem transmitida pelo cristianismo, essas mulheres têm transformado suas vidas e se tornado grandes testemunhas de Cristo.
De acordo com a publicação cristã Charisma, o Evangelho está ganhando muita força e se difundindo rapidamente entre as servas dessa trágica prática.
De acordo com a Junta de Missões Mundiais a devadasi é uma prática que oficialmente foi banida do país há 30 anos, mas que mesmo assim permanece. Até hoje muitas mulheres são consideradas casadas com a deusa e forçadas a viver como prostitutas ao atingirem a maturidade. Sendo, inclusive, proibidas de se casar com um homem depois disso.
Em face a essa situação muitos cristãos estão trabalhando para levar a mensagem do Evangelho a essas mulheres.
Fonte: Gospel+
There is a practice known in India as a devadasi, which is atemple to prostitution, where women are dedicated to the goddess Yellamma and forced into prostitution and. The practiceconsists of the exploitation of women and has served as a last resort for desperate parents for a blessing from the gods.
But the message of the Gospel is destroying this practice in the country. By having contact with the message conveyed by Christianity, these women have transformed their lives andbecome great witnesses of Christ.
According to the publication Charisma Christian, the Gospel is gaining much strength and spreading rapidly among the servantsof this tragic practice.
According to the Foreign Mission Board devadasi is a practice that was officially banned in the country 30 years ago, but stillremains. Even today many women are considered married to the goddess and forced to live as prostitutes when they reachmaturity. , Including being prohibited from marrying a man after that.
In the face of this situation many Christians are working to bringthe Gospel message to these women.
Source: Gospel +
But the message of the Gospel is destroying this practice in the country. By having contact with the message conveyed by Christianity, these women have transformed their lives andbecome great witnesses of Christ.
According to the publication Charisma Christian, the Gospel is gaining much strength and spreading rapidly among the servantsof this tragic practice.
According to the Foreign Mission Board devadasi is a practice that was officially banned in the country 30 years ago, but stillremains. Even today many women are considered married to the goddess and forced to live as prostitutes when they reachmaturity. , Including being prohibited from marrying a man after that.
In the face of this situation many Christians are working to bringthe Gospel message to these women.
Source: Gospel +
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